Remuda Camp

The Living Legends by Rick Nulman

I have been going on the Desert Caballeros Trail Ride as a member of Remuda Camp since 1988. A total of 34 years.


And during that time, I have had some wonderful trail riding experiences. I’ve seen some magnificent scenery, ridden some beautiful trails, eaten some absolutely wonderful food, gotten too drunk to walk, laughed my fool head off, lost money at rubber duck races and…most important of all, met some of the finest men I have ever known.

Because of the DC Ride, I am blessed to know some extraordinary men. Men I might not otherwise have ever met. Men I call Living Legends because they were, and are, the backbone of the DC Ride for me. They were the grand personalities that made the ride “The Ride.”

They were the reason The Ride was so extra special for me and so many of us. They were the cowboys whose company you enjoyed and whose insights and experience you sought. Our so-called senior riders.

In Remuda Camp, I am talking about men like Bronco Adams, John Franzreb, Elijah Blair, Jon Hillegas, Tom Wilmeth, Bill Green, Dick Johnson, General Harry Hagaman, Sheriff Buck Buchanan, Howard Baker, Chuck Hoch, Mike Carbone and numerous others.

To the Living Legends who are still with us, God bless you. We relish your company. To the ones in Heaven, we miss you and bless your memories. It was an honor to ride the trail with you.

Rick Nulman

DC Ride Remuda Camp
DC Ride Remuda Camp
Desert Caballeros Trail catus